Sunday, March 29, 2015

First CAPA Meeting

                                          CAPA - Citizens Against Political Assassination

The CAPA Executive Committee held its first meeting via conference call on Saturday afternoon March 28, 2015 and is now a functioning organization.

"The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world." – JFK

CAPA Mission Statement Revised - Subject to additional revision, addition and approval by the ExCom

Mission Statement: We oppose the use of political assassination as a means to obtain or maintain power and are committed to support those who determine the truth, seek justice and educate people on the dangers assassination poses to our society.  

First CAPA Meeting Minutes - [Not yet complete and approved]

The first organizational meeting of CAPA - Citizens Against Political Assassination was held via telephone conference call on the afternoon of Saturday March 28, 2015, hosted by the Wecht Institute of Pittsburgh.

Those who participated will be considered the Executive Committee of the new organization.

Dr. Cyril Wecht - Chairman
Ben Wecht coordinator
Bill Simpich, Esq,
David Talbot
Jerry Policoff
Andrew Kreig
Larry Schnapf, Esq.
Michael Nurko
Bill Kelly
Brian Hamilton (of Princeton listened in but did not participate)

Dr. Wecht opened the proceedings by suggesting we broaden our leadership to include some women and people of color as we need diversity and can't just be an association of liberal white guys.  (In response a list of women to invite was started see Notes:1).

We also invited people from Texas and the international community but they couldn't make it but will be part of future meets, especially on sub-committee meetings via skype.

The basic structure of the organization was agreed on - with four general membership regions and five focused committees -  Legal, Advisory, Media-PR, Research and Fiscal-Membership.

Peter Dale Scott, who is on book deadline and sent his regards, will head up the Advisory Committee that will review all strategies, proposals and programs before they are considered by the Executive Commitee.

The Executive Committee will consist of the ten people who were in on the original conference call, plus anyone they desire to invite to the next meeting.

Bill Kelly will head up the Research Commiteee, with assistance from Mike Nurko, who also agreed to be on the Fiscal Committee, and Brian Hamilton, who listened in but did not participate, but will assist the PR-Media Committee. The Resarch Committee will be responsible for continuing the on-going dialog with the NARA staff and attempt to engage the leadership of the Archivist of the USA, Judge John Tunheim, Jeremy Gunn and others to press Congress for oversight and complete enforcement of the JFK Act. The Research Committee will also work closely with the Legal Action Committee in developing FOIA and Civil suits and support of those actions that are on-going.

The Legal Action Committee - led by Bill Simpich and assisted by Dr. Wecht, Patrick McCarthy, Dennis Bartholomew, Larry Schnapf and others will devise three 501-3c non-profits - one Political Action Committe, one Super-PAC, neither tax deductible because they will endorse candidates and issues and be used to sue the government, and a third Educational and Research Foundation that will not be political and will be tax deductible. The Legal Committee will work with the PR-Media and Fiscal Committee to increase membership, donations and fund raising events in order to generate the funds needed to support our activities.

While the Legal Action Committee will get the first financial support for FOIA and filing fee appeals, the PR-Media Committee is getting the most responsibilities in devising a media strategy that will work. There was a discussion of placing a full page advertisement in the New York Times, and that is being considered, but it was agreed that the money can be better spent, especially as we get organized.

Jerry Policoff said that he would contact Marie Fonzi and invite her to participate in the next meeting of the Executive Committee, set up a Google Group account for the Executive Committee and PR and lead the PR-Media effort with assistance of Andrew Kreig, Bill Kelly and a suitable committee where the work can be spread around.

Bill Kelly is preparing a Press Release announcing the formation of the organization, and the Social Media program content is being organized. 

From: Michael Nurko
Date: Mar 28, 2015
Subject: CAPA Meeting

Here are some notes on some of the subjects discussed at our meeting this afternoon, as best I could remember.

Attending Meeting: Cyril Wecht, Ben Wecht, Bill Kelly, Michael Nurko, David Talbot, Jerry Policoff, Andrew Kreig, Larry Schnapf and Bill Simpich,

Agreed to name a Board of Directors and an Advisory Committee - trying to get 1 or 2 prominent people to be on the committee, such as Oliver Stone, RFK Jr. and possibly approaching Caroline or approaching others in the Kennedy family. (others may include Martin Sheen, Kevin Costner and Ed Asner)

Agreed to have an Executive Committee and set up other committees: Legal Action Committee, Research Committee, P R Committee, Membership Committee and a Fund Raising Committee.

Agreed to support the enforcement of the JFK Act, including exhumation of the body. Having a hearing in DC at a federal building with prominent speakers.

Agreed to support the various FOIA suits as well as future suits and legal actions.

Discussed the problem of the media not covering our previous events and findings, and the need to get 2 or 3 prominent newspaper writers to break the ice.

Discussed having a Public Inquest.

Discussed getting possible whistle blowers and approaching the children of various suspects, who may have relevant information.

Seek support from Marie Lopez and have her speak at a CAPA event or conference.

4 new books coming out soon, including David Talbot's book on Allen Dulles and the CIA's involvement, Peter Dale Scott’s book on Deep State politics, John Newman’s book on the CIA Mexico City operations and Jeff Morley’s book, all of which will have important new scoops.

1) Suggested women to invite
Marie Fonzi
Joan Mellen
Karen Croft
Lisa Pease
Frankie Vegas
Maggie Hassen
Linda Minor
Adele Edisen
Debra Conway

Some of the things discussed - notes by NY attorney Larry Schnapf 

Subject: RE: Agenda for the first meeting of five member CAPA

Great call. Thanks for organizing it. I wrote down some strategic thoughts while we were talking that I thought I would share with you. Feel free to share with others as you see fit. I'm the newbie to this group so defer to judgment of you and others. 

1. should we consider adding the word "secrecy" or similar term to the name of the committee/ business name to emphasize connection with current times so we can show relevancy to the younger generation,  libertarians, and conservatives concerned about individual rights/freedom?

2. form the 501(c) organization so we can be open for business. We would need to select business name, state of incorporation, initial directors, apply for state and federal exemptions, draft bylaws, etc.

3. Identify group who will reach out to Kennedy children (maybe first RFK and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend). Find out what they would be looking for from
us to get their open support. Also to let friends of the family know its ok
to cooperate and support us. I'm sure David Talbot knows this drill well.

4. Identify group to reach out to children of CIA or other government
employees who may have had knowledge of events/cover-up and want to "do the right thing" that their fathers were unable, could not or were prevented from doing.   

5. Identify group to reach out to Hollywood (Stone, DiCaprio, etc.) who can bring attention to our effort.

6. Form social media group to formulate media campaign

7. Identify public events to participate over next year

8. Other short-term and long-term Tasks that the Wechts and you included on the agenda. - we need to identify which tasks are sequential and which may be concurrent.

9. Do we have basis to file complaint against US Gov for failure to carry out
non-discretionary duty with respect to JFK Act?

Larry Schnapf

Subject: CAPA call notes and PR, Media thoughts

Thank you for the invitation to participate as you create CAPA.  I wasn't able to intro myself to the group yesterday before the deep discussion started, so I just listened.  By way of background I'm a relative new comer (1) compared to the giants on the committee but welcome the opportunity to support the objectives of CAPA.

CAPA Focus:
Primary - Releasing of the Records
Secondary - Justice vs transparency (mixed on prosecutions)
* What happens in New assassinations (eg Benazir Bhutto Dec 27, 2007)?

Find currently violations of JFK Records act, 
Whistle blowers laws to encourage knowledgable people to come forward
Most perpetrator of JFK's death are gone(?)  But the system LIH still exists  (i.e. Operation Mockingbird).

1st generation off-spring from gov cia, fbi, military, (is there still fear of reprisal or willingness to set the record straight
civil servants in archives aware of records act misgivings

Book/Author conference coincident with other events
Virtual (Mini) conferences
2016 potus election
2017 Oct JFK Record Act
50th MLK Jr April 2018
50th RFK June 2018

CAPA fund raising
Donations vs membership dues
Crowd funding via Kick starter
Free-iumn vs subscription model to raise revenue

CAPA PR strategy to engage and captivate:
The main stream press generally don't do old news without some new angle.  Recent case in point was O'Rielly Mohrenschildt lies. 
The PR campaign will need use modern methods and new approaches to ovoid being precieved as "Not another same-old JFK assassination story" stigma. 
Alternate media outlets and methods and tools amy be a better approach
Fresh angles on an old topic is needed to engage a new generation of youthful CAPA enthusiast .

CAPA (Web based) online tools
Webinar format conferences
Google Doc.,
Hang-out, blogs,
skype (sometimes unreliable),
chat rooms use
database of researched topics with link links

* keep in mind the distribution of CAPA user fidelity.

Social media:
Periscope instant video publishing

Engaging the next generation:
Leverage NSA- Snowden awareness
Today's youth are mostly skeptical of the WC lone-nut LHO conclusion
Youth have little interest (time) to go in the depth on the JFK subject.
unless it enters their world in a fun and inviting way. 
Need to utilize to maximum extent possible social media. 
**Possible use of Gamification (2) to engage and teach the wealth of material CAPA's SME have complied over the years.

Proposed CAPA Press Release 001- Subject to additions and revisions.
For Immediate Release – After approval by ExCom -

The full enforcement of the JFK Act and the release of all assassination records is one of the priorities of CAPA - Citizens Against Political Assassinations - a new Political Action Committee that also intends to file FOOA and civil law suits against the government, make open records/ government secrecy a campaign issue and bring the subject of political assassinations into the mainstream media.

"We oppose political assassinations as a means of obtaining and maintaining power," said Dr. Cyril Wecht, CAPA chairman, "and we are determined to seek truth and justice and educate the public of the dangers assassination poses to our society."

"We already won the hearts and minds of the American people on the need for full disclosure and accountability," said San Francisco attorney Bill Simpich, "now we have to win the political battle to see that the law is enforced and the Constitution is upheld."

"We have two more years to obtain full disclosure in the JFK case," Simpich said, "and if we want to succeed we have to make full disclosure of our nation's secret history a central issue in the presidential election."

According to the JFK Act the next president will decide in October 2017 whether to continue to keep JFK assassination records secret or release the remaining records still being withheld for reasons of national security.

Not just a few records - there are so many documents still being withheld the National Archives - NARA can't tell us how many,

We believe it is now in the interests of our national security to release all of the remaining sealed records so according to the JFK Act, the people can make up their own minds as to what happened at Dealey Plaza and what to do about it.

Facebook - 
-  Frankie Fortune  - Moderator

Twitter -  -  Maggie Bloomberg - Moderator

Blog - - Bill Kelly – Moderator

Media - PR Committee Contacts

Jerry Policoff
Andrew Kreig
Bill Kelly
Brian Hamilton
Frankie Vegas
Maggie Hassan
Tom Blackwell